Helping Non-Profits Easily Increase Contributions

Paul Thusius will help Non-Profits and Easily Increase Contributions via the use of play free games online.

Introducing 360WIN, an innovative platform that is set to redefine the landscape of fundraising for charities and philanthropic organizations.

360WIN understands the challenges that charities face in raising funds to support their noble causes. In the 360WIN quest to make a meaningful impact, 360WIN has developed a groundbreaking platform that seamlessly integrates the thrill of free-to-play, sponsored online poker and blackjack tournaments with the power of philanthropy. I am thrilled to introduce you to a unique avenue for your organization to effortlessly elevate your fundraising efforts.

Why 360WIN?

Gamified Fundraising: We believe in turning challenges into opportunities. By gamifying the fundraising process, we actively engage participants, attracting a wider audience. Through our platform, supporters can contribute to your cause while experiencing the excitement of competitive gameplay. When they win, you win.

Passive Earning: Unlike traditional fundraising efforts that demand extensive resources and time commitments, 360WIN offers a passive fundraising mechanism. Your organization simply needs to sign up, and you can immediately start raising funds for your cause. We handle the complexities, allowing you to focus on what matters most – your mission.

Dollar for Dollar: Every dollar earned by players on our platform is matched by 360WIN in a direct donation to the charity of their choice. Not only are you benefiting from passive fundraising, but the impact is magnified through our commitment to matching contributions.

We believe in the power of collective impact and 360WIN can be the catalyst for positive change. By partnering with 360WIN, your organization can tap into a novel fundraising stream that not only aligns with the interests of today’s digital-savvy audience but also provides an opportunity for supporters to contribute effortlessly.

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